
We'll take a cheese fondue, please

Friday, January 27, 2012
Did anyone else watch We'll Take Manhattan last night? The much-hyped BBC Four dramatisation followed David Bailey and Jean Shrimpton as they shagged their way around New York in 1962. Somehow, they found time in their busy sex schedule to squeeze in a bit of ground-breaking fashion photography and to single-handedly bring down the British class system. There was also a teddy bear. And a lot of hairspray....


Ae fond kiss

Wednesday, January 25, 2012
I'll ne'er blame my partial fancy;Naething could resist my Nancy; But to see her was to love her, Love but her, and love for ever. Had we never loved sae kindly, Had we never loved sae blindly, Never met—or never parted, We had ne'er been broken-hearted. From Ae Fond Kiss Robert Burns wrote this ode to unrequited love in 1791 (read the rest,...


One year.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012
It comes on like an itch. A niggling voice whispering in my ear, "You could do that". Shyly, almost furtively, I set up an account. Tentatively play around with names, a header. Decide both are shit, close the browser, write it off. No, I can't do it. I can't. The voice persists. You can.  I fixate on the name. A blog needs a name....


Oh, shit!*

Monday, January 23, 2012
How did I manage to forget about the one massive, all-consuming thing that happened this weekend?? Smidgen got worms. WORMS. INSIDE HER BODY. Until some of them were, erm, no longer inside. Which is how we found out about the worms. Bleeeuuuuuuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrghhhhhhhhhh. After one of the most disturbing googling sessions of my life, culminating in searching "why do dogs need their anal glands expressed" (top tip: do not click on...


A productive weekend

Monday, January 23, 2012
You remember that damn snood I've been knitting for weeks? Well, this weekend I finally finished it. Hooray! I'm a bit embarrassed to admit how proud I am. But just look at it, all grey and snuggly and perfect. Perfect from certain angles, anyway. I hope winter lasts forever so I can wear it all the time! And no, please don't remind me I...


Dear Fashion Blogger

Friday, January 20, 2012
"There's no time like the present to start wearing wetsuit inspired dresses"? There is no time, EVER, to start wearing wetsuit-inspired dresses. Let me tell you, I spent a lot of time in a wetsuit during my teenage years, and I am not going back there. I don't care if "the super tight fabric makes for perfect body contouring". It also makes for the stench...


The pedants are revolting!

Thursday, January 19, 2012
I have absolutely no intention of wading into the whole Scottish independence debate on here. I spend my life uncomfortably wedged between a fervent nationalist (my mother) and a staunch unionist (my husband), so the only sensible course of action here is for me to sink gratefully into a warm bath of indifference. It's a self-preservation thing. But there is one thing that never fails...


Hypothetically speaking

Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Those of you follow me on Pinterest might have noticed my pins taking a slight swerve in direction lately. Actually, more of a major detour. A one-way ticket heading back up the tracks, destination: Weddingville.  It's not for me, though. It's, um, for a friend. FINE, it's for me. Although there is, in fact, a friend. One who is trapped in that curious limbo...


How to knit for a nosy bitch

Friday, January 13, 2012
As I've mentioned a couple of times, I've been attempting a bit of knitting recently. (Sadly, while I wait for Smidgen to shed enough hair for me to start spinning it into yarn, I've been having to make do with the non-animal-hair variety.) A couple of you have asked what a snood is, which I thought was a bit strange, until I discovered...


Back by popular demand

Thursday, January 12, 2012
Nina put in a request on Twitter for more pictures of Smidgen, and seemed surprised when I was like, OKAY THEN! Do you guys honestly think I need much encouragement to post pictures of the cutest greyhound in the history of greyhounds*? Come on. You know me better than that. So, above, we have yet another photo of Smidgen sleeping. Apparently, opening Christmas presents is exhausting....



Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Are you on Pinterest? → No ↓ ↓ Yes Get on it ↓ ↓ Follow Courtney Cerruti immediately That is all. (Well, almost all. For every great pinner with an amazing eye like Courtney, there are a whole bunch of crazies pinning "thinspiration", crocheted bike wheels and baby cakes. On which, see this handy little round-up. Okay, now I'm done.) {Images all via Courtney...


Speaking of wearing ridiculous things on your head

Tuesday, January 10, 2012
I'm not sure which of them is more pissed off at this situation. Like cats? Hate cat hair? Like making shit? Then boy, do I have the book for you! Crafting With Cat Hair will tell you everything you need to know to turn those pesky fur balls into beautiful and useful objects for you and your home. I can't promise you there's a hat...



Monday, January 09, 2012
You remember my abiding love for the fake ponytail, yes? Well, apparently, fake ponytails are making a comeback. Of course, you only need to look at my blog's search traffic to know they never went away. I wonder if a fake ponytail would work on a pixie cut? I'm thinking... no. {All images via Hershesons} ...


A perfect white wine

Friday, January 06, 2012
AmeliaKayPhoto... $32.00 WhitlockandCo $34.00 matouenpeluche $16.00 beccasophie $24.00 andrea0503 $139.00 AmeliaKayPhoto... $30.00 TinyArmour $27.00 SeeLifeShine $14.00 PernillasSS $9.50 houseofismay $5.00 kittyrogers $25.00   MamaTita $50.00 A perfect white wine is sharp, sweet and cold as this: birdsong in winter. Haiku by Wendy Cope This weekend, I will be mainly: ♥ Drinking wine, which may or may not be white, and which is unlikely...