
Things I've Been Obsessing Over

Friday, December 27, 2013
Full title: Things I've Been Obsessing Over Instead of Worrying About Actual Problems Or Contemplating the Incontrovertible Truth That Everyone I Love Is Going to Be Dead One Day. Because distraction is the best policy, right? 1. My coat It's my 30th birthday today (see how I dropped that in there? So subtle), so in honour of the occasion I've decided it's time to...


Comfort and joy

Wednesday, December 25, 2013
If you're reading this, it means my family has made it to Christmas in one piece. Things were looking pretty hairy for a while there, and the new year feels a million miles away, but for now, for today, we are here. Tidings of joy might be pushing it a bit this year, but comfort will do very nicely. Thank you to everyone who...


For all your artsy Scottish Christmas present needs

Thursday, December 12, 2013
I have a post up on Lauren McGlynn's blog today as part of her advent fundraising project. If you've been missing my witty banter and exquisite taste (I know you have, don't try to pretend) then you should head over there for my round-up of lovely things that might make nice presents, all by independent Scottish artists and designers. But enough about me...



Saturday, November 30, 2013
I BLOGGED EVERY DAY FOR THIRTY DAYS. SOMEBODY BUY ME A DRINK. If you're looking for a new daily blog fix, my friend Lauren is going to be blogging every day of Advent to raise money for Syrian refugees, and giving away some pretty amazing prizes in the process (including a two-hour photo shoot with her.) You might see me popping up over...


Dear Santa

Friday, November 29, 2013
Dear Santa, This Christmas, I would like: 1. To get a good night's sleep. 2. To look and feel vaguely presentable, bearing in mind that my definition of "vaguely presentable" has relaxed considerably since the time you brought me those pink GHDs. 3. To accept that I am old and boring and that all I really want to do is curl up with...


Houndworthy is basically the best thing ever

Thursday, November 28, 2013
Gorgeous photography! Great design! DOGS WEARING CLOTHES! It's like they invented it just for me. Meet Houndworthy, for all your quality hipster dog goods. Need an on-trend geometric collar and matching lead? Of course you do. Need a distressed canvas vintage French postal dog bed? Mais oui. Need a white 100% cotton doggie bandana decorated with painted fish flies? Um, yes, you do. IS...


An extraordinary and fascinating frock

Wednesday, November 27, 2013
"A frock that made other frocks insipid, commonplace, unenterprising." A frock fit for that winter wedding I never had, maybe? PREVIOUS IMAGINARY WEDDING OUTFITS: → Tulle → Sequins → Diamond shoes Quotation from Invitation to the Waltz by Rosamund Lehmann via @MrsHunterDunn, who quite often live-tweets little moments from novels she's reading, and is therefore wonderful.  Frock: Zac Posen Pre-Fall 2012, via Vogue. Also wonderful. ...



Tuesday, November 26, 2013
What is that makes a place feel like home? Fin and I lived in our last flat for nearly three years, but we never felt as comfortable there as we do where we are now. On paper - and who am I kidding, in reality - the last flat was much nicer. It was newer, it was bigger, it was comfier. It had...


How to feel festive

Monday, November 25, 2013
It's exactly one month until Christmas and I'm trying to resist the temptation to marvel at the passage of time. I usually prefer to wait until December before I really go completely bonkers, but there's no harm in laying the groundwork a bit early. The 25th of November is a perfectly respectable date to start planning ahead for some festive cheer. When it...



Sunday, November 24, 2013
Last month, I signed up for a hand-lettering class on Skillshare. I'll never be an artist, but I secretly love drawing and it seemed like a good opportunity to exercise a different part of my brain. The first step of the project was to choose a phrase or quote to draw. This step took me approximately one million years. I couldn't think of...


Date Night Maths

Saturday, November 23, 2013
SEE ALSO: → Pinterest flow chart → Percy Pigs pie chart → Babies ≠ pets SEE ALSO: → Pinterest flow chart → Percy Pigs pie chart → Babies ≠ pets ...


We'll always have Paris

Friday, November 22, 2013
So, Paris. We went, we came back. It was good. ...


How to make the most of Netflix

Thursday, November 21, 2013
After audience testing revealed an overwhelmingly negative response to 2013's working title, 2013: Worst Year Ever, I've decided to rename it 2013: The Year of Netflix. Because when I haven't been whining about how it's been the worst year ever, I've been watching a scandalous amount of television to make my mind off how it's been the worst year ever. As you can...


I'm so on trend it hurts

Wednesday, November 20, 2013
Apparently, cosy knitted snoods are so in right now. I don't like to blow my own fashion trumpet, but I was ALL OVER this trend two years ago. Not only did I knit a snood for myself, I also knitted one for Smidgen, because I am a crazy dog lady. I then knitted a second one for myself, in softest pink, but Smidgen...


Should you read the news?

Tuesday, November 19, 2013
I don't write much about current affairs on this here blog of mine. There are precisely seven posts discussing the events of the day, and of those, two are about hair, two are about the Royal Wedding, and one is about whether an independent Scotland would have a separate Eurovision entry. Hard-hitting stuff. A couple of people I know and respect, both online...


I love Amy

Monday, November 18, 2013
If you don't know who Amy Poehler is, that means you haven't watched Parks and Recreation, and that means we can't be friends any more.  Nahhh, I'm kidding. It just means I'm going to repeatedly pester you about how amazing Parks and Rec is until you're forced to watch it and admit it's the best show ever. But I'm not going to do...


My idea of a good time

Sunday, November 17, 2013
Am I the only one who finds budgeting incredibly soothing? *Deafening silence* Fine. But you should know that this budgeting app is the best thing ever, and if you had it, you'd find it soothing too. And if you don't think budgeting could possibly be relaxing, try paying off your credit card (or, erm, one of them) thanks to said budgeting app. Now THAT...


Avez-vous des passe-temps?

Saturday, November 16, 2013
Chère Katya, Je m'appelle Kirsty. J'ai quatorze ans. J'habite à North Berwick en Ecosse. ...


Blog Love: American Tales

Friday, November 15, 2013
Do you ever get sick of reading blogs that are nothing but round-ups and mood boards and wish lists and sponsored posts and no actual content whatsoever? Yeah. Me too. Don't get me wrong, I love a good-looking blog as much as the next girl (and I'm no stranger to a mood board), but sometimes what I really want is a well-written insight...


What real work looks like

Thursday, November 14, 2013
Yesterday, somewhat abruptly, Fin became an uncle. His nephew came 9 weeks early and gave us all a fright. Weighing in at just three and a half pounds, he's a teeny scrap of a thing, with a difficult journey ahead of him. But he's here. He is so loved. He's being given every ounce of care and support that can possibly be given....


Emily McDowell is doing a f*ing great job

Wednesday, November 13, 2013
Illustrator Emily McDowell describes her brand as insightful, relatable and colourful. Tick, tick, tick. While "motivational" prints generally motivate me to throw up, these ones are so cheerful, encouraging and just true that I can't help loving them.  I'd happily own anything in her shop, but if I had to pick a favourite it would be these Tiny Encouragement Cards. So simple, so perfect, so...


The writing's on the wall (and the floor)

Tuesday, November 12, 2013
If you know anything about Edinburgh, you know it has literature in its soul. What you may not know is that it also has literature in its masonry. Here are three places in Edinburgh where words have leapt off the page and into the world, listed in ascending order of obscurity. 1. Canongate Wall The charlatans and dreamers responsible for the creation of...


When I grow up

Monday, November 11, 2013
A few years ago a friend of mine threw a fancy dress party, the theme of which was "dress up as what you wanted to be when you grew up." Most of us at the party were lawyers. Funnily enough, nobody was dressed as one. ...


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