Another highbrow post

Monday, September 05, 2011

I like to think I've cultivated a bit of a reputation here at A Safe Mooring. A reputation for serious intellectual discourse, highbrow cultural references, and above all impeccable taste. My readers, who are without exception intelligent, classy and tasteful themselves, have come to expect a certain standard from me and I consider it my duty to endeavour at all times to live up to their well-founded expectations.

With that in mind, as soon as I saw these stylish ensembles I just knew I had to share them with you, my discerning followers:
I know what you're thinking. What could be more ridiculous than dressing an animal up as another animal?

I'll tell you what would be more ridiculous. This:

If that's not a good reason to get a puppy, then I don't know what is.

All images from via Girl's Gone Child (who, by the way, holy shit)

15 boats moored

  1. i think the expression on the face of the little guy dressed as a zebra sums it up perfectly! did make me go aw and i do like to put cute jackets on my dogs in the winter (purely to keep them warm and their undercarriages mud-free, you understand) but no, this is wrong on so many levels. but still, awwww!

  2. OH MY. Now...Do I think my cat will go for it?


  3. Rosie (aka Kirsty's Mum)5 September 2011 at 09:39

    If you two do get a dog, this website will answer all my "what to get the wee doggy for Christmas?" worries xx

    PS Just thought - as if I don't have enough to worry about without the dress sense of your dog!!!

  4. These are hilarious but also so creepy. My friend has a tuxedo for her chihuahua. It's not as elaborate as this but still amusing!

  5. Oh my gawd, these poor, poor pooches. I love the shark outfit though, the dog's face is just priceless. x

  6. I burst out laughing so loudly that James had to come see what I was up to. This is awesome!! Now go get a puppy!! :)

  7. Oh please don't do this to dogs... people laugh at them and they feel it , they feel ridiculed .

  8. I really want to get a little lion costume to put on my cat. I am a bad pet parent.

  9. Oh. My. God. I was reading and I was laughing and I was laughing and I was reading and then I got to the last picture and well, the laughter stopped. That's beyond wrong. Evil, some might say.

  10. I will never understand people's compulsion to dress their dogs like that. Like Cara, I laughed until I got to Dog-othy. That one is terrifying.

  11. I bloody love this, love it!

    I have just laughed all over my high-brow salmon salad luncheon...'Dogothy' hahahahahaha!!!!!!!

  12. OMG!!!! I LOVE these! If I wasn't a wedding photographer I'd be an animal dressing up photographer :D

  13. There is nothing, I repeat, nothing funnier than animals, actually dogs, dressed up. I used to do this (though with less finesse) to my dog when I was a wee thing. *s*
