
Sunday, November 24, 2013

Last month, I signed up for a hand-lettering class on Skillshare. I'll never be an artist, but I secretly love drawing and it seemed like a good opportunity to exercise a different part of my brain.

The first step of the project was to choose a phrase or quote to draw. This step took me approximately one million years. I couldn't think of a single thing I liked enough to commit to paper.

Eventually I grew frustrated with my paralysing inability to make even the most minor decision and told myself to just fucking write something. So the phrase I decided on was "Just fucking write something." Naturally.

Today, I wanted to share my final, beautiful, hand-drawn phrase with you. Except, inevitably, I haven't fucking finished it. I powered through the next few steps of the project (you can see my half-arsed attempt here, if you like) then came to a sputtering stop.

Clearly, I should have picked "Just fucking draw something" instead.


Dreaming of a creative life

Inspiration images for my project found mainly through Pinterest and saved to my hand-lettering board. I know I should credit every single one but, frankly, life's too short.

3 boats moored

  1. For my thirtieth birthday I was given some beautiful paints and drawing equipment by one of my closest friends, encouraging me to try and use, or rather develop, a different artistic skill. The thing is, I loved painting and drawing as a kid until I realised I wasn't very good at it. I really want to take a stab at painting or drawing soon and am thinking of taking a basic class to help next year.

    I look forward to seeing the results of your 'fucking drawing' session.

    1. Also, amazing collage of images there. Just fantastic.

  2. I signed up for this too, couldn't think if a word, got completely overwhelmed and gave up. Just looking on your Skill Share page has given me motivation to fucking do something. So, thank you!


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