Guess who had a birthday?

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

That's right. Our little ball of fluff (okay fine, our half-bald skinny bag of bones) turned three. And in a strange quirk of timing, she came to live with us on her second birthday, so the date also marked our one-year anniversary of becoming dog owners.

Of course I had to make her a hat.

In many ways, Smidgen isn't an easy dog to own. Given how ridiculously inexperienced Fin and I are (neither of us has ever had a dog in the family before), it's kind of crazy to think they even gave her to us in the first place. Her timid, cautious nature made her a rubbish racer, and led to her being put up for adoption - yay for us! But it also left her completely unprepared for life as a pet in the big bad world, filled with people, buses, televisions, HOOVERS OMG IT'S SO SCARY OUT HERE!!!

She's still shy around everyone apart from us and a select, Smidgen-approved few. She's wary of strange dogs. If she does decide she wants to play, the only game she knows is Let's All Chase Smidgen Round And Round And Not Be Able To Catch Her For Twenty Minutes, which I'm not sure is that much fun for the other dogs. She's a terrible moocher, she has no respect for personal space, she's kind of weird-looking if we're honest, and she doesn't even wipe her feet on the mat when she comes in from walks, the rude bitch.

But that, of course, is only half the truth. Okay, so we can't go out for dinner on a whim, but frankly I'll take a long, happy walk on a crisp day over an overpriced burger. And if an overpriced burger is the only thing that will do, well, fortunately I know a place that keeps a stash of doggy treats behind the bar.

Smidgen is sweet, joyful, affectionate and for some unknown reason she absolutely loves the pants off me and Fin. Her desires are simple: somewhere comfy to snooze, something tasty to eat, and the people she loves cuddled up beside her. She's a constant reminder to value the everyday and be grateful for small pleasures. Who doesn't want to be reminded of that?

PLUS. Not only does she let me put stupid hats on her and take pictures, she is so chilled about it that she falls asleep. With the hat still on.

If that isn't the cutest thing ever then I'd like to know what is.

Happy birthday, Smidger McGidger. We love the pants off you, too.

25 boats moored

  1. Rosie aka Kirst's mum20 November 2012 at 08:43

    Aw these photos are great. Your blog is lovely too and I understand how much she must love you both. I love her too and she is getting to know North Berwick and our wee pesky dog and she definitely loves our beach? Now, what to get her for Christmas?

  2. Happy Birthday Smidgen!!! You guys are great dog owners. It's clear.

  3. Oh BLESS HER. She's gorgeous. Happy birthday pup! x

  4. She is beautiful! I've always wanted a greyhound but until dogs can travel abroad hassle-free and cheap it's just not a good idea..I'm still trying to persuade Dad to adopt a greyhound though to keep him company!

    1. He should! I'm biased, but they do make lovely pets, especially if you're a bit lazy like us.

  5. Aww how cute, Happy Birthday Smidgen! I saw a dog in a bandana doing a pub quiz last night. It won a prize :)

  6. Happy birthday skinny girl! x

  7. Happy Birthday Smidgen! She's gorgeous Kirsty :) x

  8. This is amazing :) I am 100% certain that the family dog and cat (over-sized hyperactive adorable terrors that they are) would not let me get a party hat anywhere near them...but that doesn't mean I'm not going to try now!

  9. Happy Birthday, Smidgen! It sounds like you & Finn were meant to be hers & she was meant to be yours.

  10. Awwww, happy birthday Smidgen! And, yes, the sleepy photos are just the cutest!

  11. What a fab hat for a fab dog!

  12. Happy Birthday to your precious pup! I loved all the doggy pics and would like to cast a vote that whenever you are struggling to decide what to say in a post you just default to a picture of your Smidgen. So adorable!

  13. So cute! All of our dogs were reluctant when it came to accessorising - one would rip hat/Halloween costume/whatever off immediately then lie on top of it. The other will assume a martyred expression, tolerate it for five minutes than start to look so sad that you feel like the world's most evil person for ever contemplating tying a festive Christmas ribbon around his neck and remove it forthwith.

    All of which was a very long-winded way of saying Smidgen is adorable, and clearly very chilled indeed.

  14. Oh my goodness, this is simply the best post ever - I love her too! I used to have a sheltie and he was terrified of EVERYTHING, plastic bags were a personal torture for him... of course now I have Mr K who is the entire opposite. Whatever their personality though, they are amazing and I know you love her just as much as I love mine :)

    ♥ Thankfifi
    Thanks so much for your sweet comment on my post :)
    p.s. Hope you might be coming to the Glasgow blogger christmas party on the 10th? Let me know.x

  15. Dog hat!
    Awesome. Happy birthday to smidger.

  16. I'll always remember the time you let me pet you, Smidgen. Pet you like the good girl you are. WHO'S A GOOD GIRL. WHO? WHO IS IT? OH, I THINK IT'S YOU. YESSSSSSSS. YESSSSSSSSSS.

    Ahem, erm.

    Many happy returns to the pup and the happy pup parents!

  17. Happy belated birthday Smidgen!

  18. Yes. That IS the cutest thing ever.

  19. Oh my word! Smidgen in a birthday hat!!!!!! Drat my life for making me too busy to see this before now... *bookmarks for days when feeling blue* Happy birthday Smidgen!
