Comment is free

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Most bloggers will tell you that comments matter. And if they don't, they're probably lying. In fact, I would go so far as to say they matter more than anything; more than visitor numbers, or pageviews, or sponsorship deals (a girl can dream) or any other arbitrary measure you might apply to a blog's so-called success. I love getting comments so much that I even put a comments goal on my life list, and when I hit that target I wrote a whole gleeful post about it.

Different blogs attract different types of comments, of course. There are the long, rambling discussion threads you find on sites like A Practical Wedding, where comments on individual posts regularly run into three figures as smart, feisty women share experiences and generally put the world to rights.

Then there are those hey-everybody-look-at-my-outfit blogs, which seem to elicit nothing but sycophantic "Love your look!" comments from a gaggle of blog-clones. This is only half the story, though, or so I've heard; there are also the comments you don't see, the snarky, rude or downright abusive ones that those bloggers, quite reasonably, send straight to the bin.

Certainly, getting no comments at all is better than getting ten mean ones. But if nobody comments, blogging stops being a conversation and becomes a sad, one-sided monologue. Or worse, a rant. Lord knows I like a rant now and then, but it's much more satisfying when you know people are listening. Instead of feeling like a crazy person standing on a street corner, yelling at strangers as they try to pretend you don't exist, you feel as though there's a supportive crowd nodding along with you, saying, "Mmmhmmm," and occasionally shouting, "Preach it, sister!". (I imagine. I don't actually know anyone who would say that in real life. But in theory.)

The trouble with commenting, though, is that it's annoying. It requires action. It also requires you to have something to say. And sometimes, there really is nothing to say. Sometimes I read a post that is absolutely excellent in every respect, and all I can think of to say is, "Great post." But I worry that will make me come across like some weirdo spammer who hasn't even bothered to read what they've written and is just trying to funnel traffic back to my own blog, so instead I say nothing.

Or I might have plenty to say, but lack the time or - more likely - the inclination. Since I read blogs via my Google Reader, commenting requires all the effort of actually clicking on the post, and then you have to type in your name and your email and oh God is that word verification and ugh that isn't even a word and then your comment disappears and you have to type it again and oh just forget it, I didn't really have anything that important to say anyway.

Commenting takes effort, and lately I've been lazy. I've consumed every word and given scant few in return, and that, my friends, needs to change. In the last couple of days I've been trying to up my comment game (did anyone notice?) and I'm enjoying the transformation from passive observer to active participator. I've said it before and I'll say it again: blogging is a conversation. And if you're not in it, then you're kind of like one of those creepy lurkers who hovers around the edge of a group at a party, laughs too loudly at all the jokes then skulks quietly away. And nobody wants to be that person.

I'm assuming I'm not alone in my commenting lethargy (because HELLOOOO blurkers - I know there are way more people who read this blog than comment on it) so here, exclusively for you, are my top tips for making commenting a little bit more appealing. You're welcome.

1. Be accessible! If you have your own blog, for the love of all that is beautiful, please DITCH THE WORD VERIFICATION. Seriously. It's an extremely irritating solution to what, for most of us, is a very minor problem. In my experience, Blogger correctly screens out spam comments 99% of the time (they're not exactly hard to spot). In contrast, word verification makes commenting frustrating and unduly time-consuming 1,426,793% of the time. Please do not question my maths.

2.  Get chatty! Blogger has finally caught up with Wordpress and introduced threaded comments, meaning it's possible to reply to individual comments for the first time. As a blogger, this means I can respond to questions and engage with commenters in a much more direct way, and as a reader it encourages me to read through all the previous comments and jump into a conversation. Or tell them exactly why they're wrong and I am right. Ahem.

3. Click through! My number one barrier to commenting has always been the fact that I read all my blogs on Google Reader, which doesn't exactly entice you to click through to the post and leave a comment. Far easier to scroll down to the next post, and the next, and the next... There are all sorts of ways to get around this, but the one that I've been using in the last few days is the Next button. If you use Google Reader, go to Reader Settings and choose the Goodies tab. There you'll find a little bookmarklet - a sort of wee button that says "Next" - that you just drag and drop to your bookmarks bar. Lo and behold, when you click it, it takes you directly to the next unread blog post in your subscription list. Genius! You can even have different buttons for different categories if you're feeling fancy. I love it because you're taken to the actual blog itself, so as well as making commenting easier - the comment form is right there in your face at the end of the post - it also lets you enjoy some super stylish blog design instead of the dull list format of Google Reader. Bonus!

So there you have it. Sorry blurkers, no more excuses; it's time to step out of the shadows, grab yourself a drink, and join the conversation.

Images: Dakota & Elle Fanning by Mario Sorrenti for W Magazine via Fashion Gone Rogue

56 boats moored

  1. I love threaded commetns and think word verification has got harder - the white n black words are almost imporssible for me to recognise so I have to hit refresh until I get one I can read (I also am due for an eye test) so in terms of this post I say "Preach it, sister!"

    1. Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to use the phrase "Preach it, sister!" in a sentence at the next Blook Club. I dare you.

    2. Challenge accepted (if modified to the next one I am at, as am not sure I can make the next one!)

  2. I so get this. I wrote one post recently that has elicited a LOT of comment. None of it on my blog. Instead my friends who have read it have personally emailed me, or bailed me up and its just so tiring...

    1. Yes! I get a lot of (okay, some) people responding to posts on twitter instead, which is fine, but if you respond directly to me then it's impossible to get any kind of discussion going over here. A friend was telling me about some kind of plug-in where you can embed twitter replies into the comment threads, but that sounds waaaay to complicated.

  3. How could I read this one and run! I admit to being a lazy commenter too, I use an app on my iPad to read blogs and you have to click into the full post to be able to comment, yes lazy I know, I'll admit that!

    I also wonder if what I have to say is actually interesting or not, but I'm going to follow your lead and try to comment more. Xx

    1. I feel the same, especially commenting on blogs that I perceive as really cool or snarky - there's always that fear your comment will get shot down or ignored. But there's no judgment here, so comment away!

  4. I know what you mean, I'm always a little downcast if I get no comments (am I too dull? Is there no-one there?). Equally, I don't always have something to say and don't like to say something for the sake of it.

    But now I have to say, one of the girls in your pics, isn't she the scary mind torturing vampire in the Twilight films?

    1. Yep, she is! And her sister is in Super 8, which is great if you haven't seen it. Obviously not as good as Twilight, but...

    2. Loved Super 8. That is all.

  5. I had the first EVER comment on my blog the other day. But then I rarely post anything and when I do it's not particularly interesting, just something to make me seem a bit more real than a collection of pictures. I was rather pleased though, it felt like a milestone.

  6. Amen! Just nodding a lot here! (And having only started using google reader... it does seem a shame that it doesn't let you commment through it but as you say, hardly that much effort to click through.) :)

  7. Great post! (I kid I kid, that's not all I have to say...) Thanks for the tip about the 'next' button for Google Reader - I've been using GR for years but never new about it, and was an infrequent commenter as a result. I've now added it to my toolbar, so let the commenting commence!

  8. thanks for that! didn't know about blogger getting up on the threaded comments, but then i can be rather slow on the uptake. also what i've found weird with the whole blog biz is that sometimes a post with a shitload of views gets no comments at all yet another post with way less views gets a stack of is indeed a mystery...

  9. Well, I love your blog - and as much as I'd probably be happy just tweeting ym adoration for your adorable hound at you, if it will make you happy I will try harder to tell you that here :)

    I used to comment more but I seem to be kind of tone deaf for how my comments come across because I've accidentally offended people before when I absolutely did not mean to. There is nothing scarier or more depressing than having a big famous blogger getting mad at you... or worse, hurt by you!

    Also, I tend to find that on some blogs there isn't much tolerance for entirely civil and essentially friendly disagreement - we all know blogs where its a "It's my space and if you disagree you can just leave..." policy, which puts me off too... A discussion isn't always slavish superfandom!

    However, you are lovely and not like that, so: keep on being great and making me laugh and causing me to wish you were a lot closer so we could have greyhound play dates (which translates to parallel napping)...

    1. I know, I remember that - there's definitely a lot of scope for misconstruction on the internet, it's often so hard to grasp tone. My posts are hardly controversial, but whenever there's been something a bit risqué I try to welcome everybody's points of view. And of course, adoration for my adorable hound is always graciously accepted ;) I wish we could have doggie playdates, Smidgen would love it!

  10. Well haven't you just guilt tripped me into commenting?! Kidding, kidding...

    No, but seriously - I'm glad you wrote this Kirsty, because I had only been thinking yesterday how great your posts have been recently and that I REALLY should comment more. My excuse is job is busier than it has been, but that's not a good enough reason...

    And I appreciated your comment on my AOW post yesterday, so thank you!


    1. Well, yes, this post was also part of my secret get-more-comments plan. Mwahaha.

  11. I get relatively few comments on my blog, but I'm not sure if I actually get very many readers either so it's hard to know if I have blurkers or just terminal unreadness! Either way, I do a little bouncy dance whenever I get a comment... so I agree, and I'll also vow to comment more on what I read *waves hello*

    PS: Word verification is a MASSIVE FAFF.

    K x

  12. My task this evening is to check if word verification is on & attempt the reply options. Wish me luck.
    Hello & how are you Kirsty?
    I also think it's about how many blogs one can truly read & participate in. I have some that I comment on regularly, some very occasionally & some where I'm a blurker. They tend to fit into how frequently I read them. There's something quite immediate about posts & responding. Maybe we should be better at posting less frequently so we get a chance to listen?

    1. I'm very well, thank you for asking! How are you?

      You're right, there are definitely some blogs I feel more compelled to comment on than others. As for posting less frequently, that's a constant internal debate and a whole other post...

  13. HELL YES word verification should be banned.

  14. Long time blurker, for mainly the reasons you said. I only have so much time to squander (I'm sorry, "the time you enjoy is never time wasted" is only true when you don't have a To Do list that stretches to the next state) and there are SO MANY THINGS I want to read on the internet. But I do know that's because folks like you take the time to write them and how hard is a little comment now and then, really?

    Anyway, thanks for the GoogleReader tip - I totally read my list of favorite blogs that way which leads to often not reading the comments, let alone making one!

    Ok. /EndComment

    1. Yay, I love it when a blurker comments! Don't worry, I totally know what you mean about having the time - there are more important things in life than blogs, or so I've heard...

      Thanks so much for commenting :)

  15. You are right on how the comments matter... I always get excited. But it is also true, like you say, specially on the "smart" or deep posts, that I read a lot, but then all that comes up is "This is exactly it" or you've nailed it...
    Anyway I love your blog, so Preach it Sister :)

  16. Um. The bit about the Google reader next button = GENIUS. I am so glad you mentioned it, because I am totally doing it now. (And see? Commenting already.)

  17. Great post.

    No, I joke, I kid! I agree with everything. I've got really bad at commenting lately. Word verification is SO annoying, and my internet connection tends to hate Blogger in general, for whatever reason. I always find your posts interesting or amusing or inspiring but I never bother to comment. Just because I'm lazy, really. I will try harder in future!

  18. I HATE WORD VERIFICATION. That is all.

  19. "And sometimes, there really is nothing to say. Sometimes I read a post that is absolutely excellent in every respect, and all I can think of to say is, 'Great post.'"

    Ugh, this is me so often. I read something eloquent, touching, funny, true... and all I can think of to say is, "uhh, yeah!!"

    That said, I enjoy the way you write so much, I spent a good chunk of my day off combing your archives and laughing and nodding and reading stuff out loud to B. (And then I skipped off without leaving any comments. ;P)

    1. Haha I'm glad I'm not the only one who reads blogs aloud to other people. Fin doesn't really get it, so now I've taken to saying "I read this thing today that said...", in the hope he might think I'm talking about a reputable news source.

      And thank you!

    2. I totally do this - "A friend told me..." is another good one.

  20. I'm a terrible lurker. I even click through to read other people's comments and don't leave my own. Weird internet anxiety that I don't have anything interesting to add to the discussion. But you're right, we should all make a little more of an effort to give some comment love to the blogs we adore.

    1. Is this Genevieve of the yellow skirt?? Hi! I'm holding out for spring so you can send me a picture of it in action :) And I'm a firm believer that *everyone* has something to bring to a discussion.

  21. You are definitely not a "blog-clone". You have a great writing style and always write something worth reading. Also, I saw this and thought of your Smidgenspiration board.

  22. Kind of impossible to read this and not comment ... so, preach it, sister! And the google reader next button is one of the best ever inventions!

  23. Ironically THIS is one of those posts where I'm like EXACTLY! TO ALL OF IT! And that is all. Clearly I fail at commenting.

    Oh, except I will add that my computer seems to hate blogger and often makes me submit comments a few times (including the requisite word verification each time) to actually have it appear. So when I know that struggle is ahead of me, I really have to have something I want to get off my chest.

  24. Oh so I am a day late to this one....and as usual if you're late then everything has already been said in the comments. So I shall say...I hope you had a nice breakfast.

    Also that I have a tumblr blog and even finding a way to let people comment on things is so difficult. Sigh.

  25. That is such a genius idea!!

    You're totally right actually, my real-life friends almost never comment even though I wish they would - do you think they feel like because they're not bloggers themselves, they're somehow not allowed to be part of it? I really hope not. It kind of freaks me out when I'm telling a friend a story and she's like, oh yeah, I saw that on your blog.

    P.s. I love your blog design, it's super-stylish. I think I need a makeover...

  26. WORD.

    That said, I've been truly guilty of being a lazy commenter myself, lately. Whoopsy. BUT that next button reader thingy is FABULOUS. Problem solved, methinks.

  27. i was reading along, agreeing with everything, especially the word verification. and THEN, i went and double checked my own settings and realized that I had it turned on. boy did i feel foolish, but it is fixed now. thanks!

  28. Great post.......

    I am guilty of bad commenting - it can be time consuming and word verification is indeed the work of the devil.

    Will endeavour to do better in the month of March!

  29. Yes yes yes!

    Discussion is the life blood.

    Oh word verification I hate thee!

  30. Referred here by Florence Finds and felt, given the topic, I should post :) Interesting post, love the photos you've used with it. I'll be back to read more!

  31. Oh man, I hate word verification. I often read blogs on my phone. (Especially curled between the Sleeping Husband and the Sleeping Cat on Sunday mornings.) It makes commenting more difficult, and if there is word verification I usually just don't bother. Even less then I normally bother, with is not as often as I should.

    One thing I've found that encourages me to comment more is a question at the end of the blog to steer the conversation in the desired direction.

  32. Ironically, I've left this post unread in my reader for days because I knew I would want to comment and didn't have the time to click through. I'm very excited to try out this next button!

    Also, great post. SERIOUSLY.

  33. Ended up here via Florence Finds and can I just say, AMEN SISTAH OH YEAH PREACH IT BABY. (or something)

    There are some blogs that seem to invite comments more readily (I like when they ask questions at the end of the post, to invite a reaction) but I do have quite a few in my blog reader that I only look and admire from afar. A bit silly really.

    Oh and aside from hating word verification - I don't like when you comment and it just says the comment is awaiting moderation. I'm from the X generation - we like immediate gratification. I want to see my post there shining before I leave the blog, proof of footsteps left behind... can't we get rid of that too?

    Anyway, just wanted to say a very big thanks for very eloquently stating what most definitely needed to be said...


  34. Whoa, so many comments! I should write about commenting more often...

    Seriously, I'm overwhelmed by the response and glad I'm not the only one who thinks these same thoughts.

    A few of you mentioned ending posts with a question to stimulate discussion. I'm torn on this one - sometimes I do it, sometimes I don't. I think there's a risk that by directing people's responses down a specific avenue, you're cutting off other potentially interesting thoughts and discussions about other parts of the post you might not even have considered. And finishing with a general "What do you think?" can sometimes sound a bit desperate/lame, like you weren't really sure how to finish the post. As a reader, if there's a specific question at the end and I don't have an answer, then I often just don't leave any comment because I feel like I can't contribute. That said, if you're looking for a particular answer - canvassing opinions, asking for help - then yes, definitely, there's no substitute for a direct question.

    What do you think? ;)

  35. Amen, sister! Thanks for laying it all out there, and in a snarky way. I love snark! Now off to figure out how to invite my own lurkers to comment more often.

  36. found you through another blog (as you do!) - linking directly to this post.
    great post. all true. well said.
    HATE word verification.
    nice to find you.
    cheryl xox.

  37. so true. I was honest enough to tell a secondhand fashion blogger that she didnt suit the outfitt in a nice way after she had specifically elicted comment... didnt see the post actually appear

  38. Great post! :) I just found your blog from bloglovin and I'm in love!
    The reason why I don't comment as much as I would like is that although I read A LOT of blogs which are written in english, it's not my first language so I always start to think the spelling.
    And when I can't figure out how to say it right I rather go and read the next post than leave a misspelled comment.
    Oh and yes, hate the word verification too!
