Turn your Friday pink!

Friday, October 05, 2012

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. It's easy to be dismissive of the pink fog that descends over everything this month, but behind all the pink froth and nonsense are real people affected by breast cancer. People like my mum.

In honour of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Breast Cancer Care have launched their Pink Fridays campaign and are asking as many people as possible to turn their Friday pink. You could hold a pink day at work, have your friends over for pink cake (or pink cocktails for that matter), do a sponsored pink hair dye - it doesn't matter what you do, as long as it's pink, it's fun and it raises money for Breast Cancer Care.

Some of my ace blogging friends have started the ball rolling by turning their blogs pink for the day - a full list will appear here as their posts go up throughout the day, but for now you can find a very special Any Other Photo from me over on Any Other Woman, some simply lovely pink pictures on What Kristen Saw, and a post you can't afford to miss from style guru by night, GP by day Rebecca of Florence Finds.

So what can you do to turn your Friday pink and help people affected by breast cancer this October?

1. Sign up now for your free Pink Fridays fundraising pack and pick a Friday to turn pink. Or a Sunday. Or a Tuesday. We're not fussy.

2. Help spread the word about Pink Fridays by telling friends, colleagues, random strangers in the pub, your mum... and don't forget to tweet about #pinkfridays.

3. Check back here throughout the day to find out who else has been turning their blog pink.

That's it. And if you do throw a Pink Friday, you can be damn sure I'll want photos.

SIGN UP NOW to receive your free Pink Fridays fundraising kit and help make 2012 the best year yet!

If you would like to support Breast Cancer Care but can't throw a Pink Friday of your own, you can donate here.

The Pink Pack

The following bloggers have all turned their blogs for Breast Cancer Care:

4 boats moored

  1. This is an ace way to get the message out - you rock (and this is more amazingness than I could have dreamed of from you - you are mostexcellent)

  2. Well done Kirsty. Hope you've had a good pink day. Enjoy the weekend.

  3. I LOVE the pink blog this is lush and such and awesome way to spread the word about a brill cause!
    I love your blog and I've followed I was hoping you could take a peek at mine and possibly follow back sweetie?
